Find cheapest flights on Genius new site!

Genius Flight

Here’s a new site to find the cheapest flights anywhere in the world. gives you instant search results from the latest fares of 1,000 airlines. You can select your chosen budget, travel dates and departure point and, with a single click, all the possible flight destinations for the money you want to spend are displayed on a map.

The idea behind, in partnership with Skyscanner, is to encourage people to get more from their holiday budgets and explore destinations they may not have thought of going to before.

The new search tool, in partnership with Skyscanner, is available on desktop and tablet, with an iPhone app planned for later in the year. A product is also available, featuring more than 460,000 hotels worldwide and powered by

Research shows two thirds of people prefer to tailor-make their holidays and GeniusTravel Group founder Gennie Freen said: “Consumers today want to expand their horizons and get a good deal to boot, and that’s exactly where comes in handy, allowing you to discover new destinations that fit your budget, in just three steps.

“It’s incredible to think that for the same price as a flight to Paris, you could even set off on an adventure to Marrakech this weekend. The comment we hear from people all the time is ‘Why didn’t this exist before?’ It’s so simple, and yet it has the potential to truly revolutionise the way the travel industry – and holiday shoppers – operate.”