Half of Brits eat well-known fast food on holiday

McDonalds Hong Kong

Half of Brits eat well-known fast food on holiday rather than tucking into local cuisine. And they say it’s because it is cheaper and tastier than foreign food.

A survey by Hotels.com reveals that 30 per cent choose fast food because it’s the most effective option and one in 10 believe it is tastier. A fifth of Brits say they actually choose fast food because they don’t understand menus in local establishments. This shows that alongside cuisine, language is not really a high priority for many Brits travelling overseas. Furthermore, nine per cent of Brits confess that they don’t trust local eateries to be clean enough!

Even in familiar restaurants abroad, Brits admit to being picky with 85% revealing they don’t even like trying international additions to chain-restaurant menus, completely ruling out the chance for any foreign foodie forays.

Lizann Peppard of Hotels.com says: “It’s a shame to think that thousands of Brits travelling across the world will be choosing standardised fast food instead of indulging in international delicacies such as Italian osso buco or Singaporean chilli crab. Cuisine is a major part of  all cultures and enjoying local food is a wonderful way to make the most of a trip away from home.”

Top 5 reasons Brits choose fast food restaurants over local eateries:

  1. More cost-effective
  2. Not understanding local menus
  3. Sticking to what we know we like
  4. Fast food tastes better than foreign fare
  5. Don’t trust local hygiene standards