13 not unlucky for WOW airline

WOW air

Good to see an airline doing well. Icelandic airline WOW air is more than doubling its weekly return flights from Gatwick to Reykjavik from six to 13 from June 2.

Twice-daily flights will depart London at 12:15 and 20:40 on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday with a daily flight on Saturday, departing at 12:15.

Svana Fridriksdottir, of WOW air said: “As Iceland’s cheekiest airline, we aim to get as many intrepid travellers over to Iceland so they can experience the beauty and fun of the country.”

The summer schedule begins as things start to hot up in Iceland with art and cultural festivities, adventure tours and music festivals all on the horizon. The summer brings extended daylight hours, meaning more time to explore the spouting geysirs, black sand beaches, glaciers or simply enjoying a stroll through the capital.

Fares from £95 one way. Click here to book with www.wowair.co.uk