Get your town in England’s Hall of Fame

England's hall of fame

From Harry Potter to James Bond and The Beatles to punk rock, England has offered much to the world – and the country’s tourist boards are creating England’s Hall of Fame to celebrate.

VisitEngland is looking at what makes the country such a diverse and fascinating place to visit and explore and has created an app so you can nominate your hometown of favourite holiday spot to celebrated.

Categories for nominations include The Great, The Good and the Notorious; Inventions & Discoveries; Food & Drink; History & Heritage; Culture & Entertainment and Sport & Leisure and submissions can be made at and VisitEngland’s Facebook page.

Lady Cobham, VisitEngland’s Chairman said: “From being the birthplace of rugby and inventing afternoon tea to being the home of the world’s first national public museum and discovering a king’s skeleton in a car park, England has so much of which to be proud. We hope the Hall of Fame app will inspire people to explore the brilliant, fascinating and unusual destinations on our doorstep, as well as unearthing some interesting English trivia at the same time.”

Anyone that nominates, or later votes for, a claim will be automatically entered into a prize draw to win a weekend break away. The deadline for entries is March 23 2014. A shortlist will then be open to public vote to establish the final Hall of Fame, which will be announced on April 23, St George’s Day.